Overlook Pollinator Planting

The Overlook Feng Shui placemaking site located at N Overlook Blvd and N Concord Ave and N Failing St created pollinator habitat in their neighborhood intersection.  In addition to their street painting there are multiple large wooden planters in the street.   We had about 15 volunteers for the event including folks from the neighborhood, volunteers from City Repair and others.  These planters are the new homes for a variety of native plant species that provide food and shelter for wild pollinators.   The plant design was a simple list of companion plants.   This allowed a little creativity in the layout, created more flexibility and made the planting more accessible.  Species planted include Beach Daisy, Oregon Sunshine, Pentsemon, Yarrow, Nodding Onion, Blanket Flower, Idaho Fescue, Kinnikinnick, Camas, Meadow Foam, Strawberry and two species of Sedums.